Reference general instructions:
These are the specific actions most common for this website.
The pages are made up of blocks that can be 1) edited within and/or 2) rearranged as well as 3) adding new.
- Use a technique I call “preserve formatting” when editing. Start in the middle of a phrase, sentence, or paragraph desiring change, delete most of the old material except for the beginning and end, paste in the new, then delete the beginning and end. This avoids overlapping and abandoned formatting tags that can be hard to resolve without looking at the code.
- Use this resource to learn about blocks, Drag and drop as they describe.
To edit the color in sub-headings such as “Back or chest,” highlight the words, then select “Text Color” in the right sidebar, and click the pre-defined color or use a custom color from the picker.
As in any layout program, some confusion can exist as to where exactly you may be dropping the dragged block. Your pages contain numerous column blocks. Columns can be very useful as a means of housing various other blocks and providing the ability to drag and drop with a more creative result.
Click within any section of the page and select the “Block Navigation” icon from the upper left menu. This will display the structure within which you may want to drag and drop. In this case, the highlighted word “Paragraph” indicates that your cursor is within the first paragraph.
Select the outermost/uppermost “Advanced Columns” to display the entire column block, as partially shown below. Click the alignment icon to see that some blocks can be set to align right, center, or left, and some can also be set to align wide or full width.
The above view also displays the 6-dot “handle” that the above-referenced “Blocks” document mentions for drag and drop.
Note: All development, design, and maintenance support is billable as WordPress has online documentation just as other platforms such as GoDaddy, Squarespace or Wix do and where a live person would not be available.